Crawlability Audit: A Technical SEO Audit

  1. SEO Audit
  2. Technical SEO Audit
  3. Crawlability Audit

As a website owner, it's important to ensure that your site is crawlable and indexable by search engine bots. A Crawlability Audit is a technical SEO audit that helps website owners do just that. It's a comprehensive assessment of the technical aspects of your website that help search engines easily crawl, understand, and index your content. During a Crawlability Audit, your website is analyzed to identify any issues or barriers that may be preventing search engine bots from properly accessing and indexing your content.

This audit can help you identify and fix any problems that could be affecting your website's visibility in organic search results.


is an important component of any technical SEO audit. Crawlability refers to how easily search engine bots can crawl and index webpages. It is essential for SEO success because if a search engine is unable to properly crawl and index a website, it will not appear in search engine results. To ensure that a website is indexed correctly, it is important to conduct a crawlability audit.

Crawling is the process by which search engines find and index webpages. When a search engine finds a page, it “crawls” the page and indexes the content. The search engine then uses the indexed content to determine what the page is about and decide whether or not to include it in its search results. A crawlability audit is a process used to identify any potential issues that may be preventing search engine bots from crawling and indexing webpages.

Common crawlability issues include robots.txt blocks, redirects, broken links, and crawl depth limitations. If these issues are not addressed, it can prevent the pages from being indexed. When conducting a crawlability audit, it is important to analyze the website’s robots.txt file. This file contains instructions for search engine bots on which pages they should and should not crawl.

It is important to make sure that all relevant pages are included in the robots.txt file so that they can be crawled and indexed. It is also important to use tools such as Screaming Frog or Deep Crawl to identify potential crawlability issues. These tools can be used to identify broken links, redirects, and other potential issues that could be preventing pages from being indexed. Once potential issues have been identified, it is important to prioritize them.

This can be done by assessing how much traffic each page receives from organic search and how many external links are pointing to the page. It is also important to troubleshoot each issue in order to resolve it. To improve crawlability, it is important to optimize the robots.txt file, use proper redirects, and limit the number of internal links per page. Additionally, canonical tags and hreflang tags can be used to help improve crawlability.

Finally, it is important to regularly audit a website’s crawlability in order to ensure that pages are being indexed correctly. Monitoring the site’s performance over time can help identify any new issues that may have arisen since the last audit was conducted.

What is Crawlability?

Crawlability is the ability of a search engine to access and crawl the pages of a website. It is an important part of any comprehensive technical SEO audit because it ensures that search engine crawlers can properly index a website’s content.

Poor crawlability can lead to a website not appearing in search engine results, or appearing with outdated or incorrect information. Crawlability audits analyze the structure of a website and detect any issues that could prevent a search engine from correctly indexing the content. Common issues that can cause poor crawlability are broken links, duplicate content, and slow page loading times. Additionally, crawlability audits identify any areas of the website where search engine crawlers may have difficulty accessing or understanding the content. It is important to regularly audit a website’s crawlability to ensure that search engine crawlers are able to accurately index its content. This helps to ensure that a website’s content is displayed accurately in search engine results and that users can find the information they are looking for.

The Importance of Regular Crawlability Audits

Crawlability audits are an essential part of any comprehensive technical SEO audit.

Regular audits are necessary to ensure that your website is being crawled and indexed properly by search engine bots. Without regular audits, it can be difficult to identify and address any issues related to crawlability, which can lead to decreased visibility and traffic. Regular crawlability audits help identify any potential issues that may be negatively impacting the crawlability of your website. These issues can include errors in the robots.txt file, poor page speed, and other technical issues that can prevent search engine bots from being able to crawl and index your website efficiently.

Regular audits also help identify any pages or content that may not be getting indexed properly, which can lead to lower rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).Conducting a regular crawlability audit is an important part of any technical SEO audit. Doing so will help ensure that your website is being crawled and indexed properly, and any potential issues related to crawlability are identified and addressed promptly. This will help ensure that your website is visible to search engine bots, and maximize its potential for organic visibility and traffic.

How to Conduct a Crawlability Audit

Crawlability audits are an important part of any comprehensive technical SEO audit. Conducting a crawlability audit requires careful attention to detail and the ability to identify issues related to website structure, content, and server settings.

Here are the essential steps involved in conducting a crawlability audit: 1.Analyze the Site Structure: Start by taking a look at the overall structure of the website. Pay attention to the navigation structure, the number of pages, and any redirects or other elements that can affect how search engines crawl the site. 2.Check for Crawlability Issues: Look for common issues that can prevent search engine crawlers from indexing your site. These can include broken links, duplicate content, blocked resources, and incorrect robots.txt settings.3.Test Crawlability with Tools: Use a variety of tools to test the site’s crawlability, such as Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl, and Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.

These tools will help you identify any potential issues that may be hindering your site’s performance.4.Audit the Site’s Content: Analyze the content on your site to make sure it is optimized for search engines. Check for keyword density, meta tags, and any other elements that may need to be updated or changed. 5.Analyze Site Speed: Site speed is an important factor in SEO, so make sure your website is loading quickly and efficiently. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or WebPageTest to measure your site’s load time and identify any areas that need improvement.6.Analyze Internal Linking Structure: Ensure that your internal linking structure is optimized for SEO by analyzing the anchor text used in links and checking for broken links.7.Check for HTML Validation Errors: Check your site’s HTML code for any validation errors that could be affecting its performance in search engines.8.Review Server Logs: Take a look at your server’s log files to ensure that search engine crawlers are properly indexing your website. By following these steps, you can ensure that your website is properly indexed by search engines and performing well in organic search results.

Best Practices for Improving Crawlability

Improving crawlability is an important step to ensure that search engine bots can easily access and index all pages of your website.

To do this, there are several best practices to follow.


, use a well-structured and organized HTML structure for your website. Use headings and subheadings with H1, H2, H3, etc. tags, as well as bold text for important keywords and phrases.

Additionally, use tags to separate paragraphs. Do not use newline characters to separate content.


, create a clear and comprehensive site hierarchy that is easy to navigate. This will help both search engine bots and users find the information they are looking for quickly.

Third, optimize your website for mobile devices. Many people use their mobile phones for searching and browsing websites, so it is important to make sure that the website is fully optimized for mobile devices. Finally, ensure that all pages of the website are linked internally, so that search engine bots can easily find them. This will help improve the overall crawlability of the website. In conclusion, conducting a crawlability audit is an essential part of any comprehensive technical SEO audit.

By understanding the fundamentals of crawlability and learning how to identify and address issues related to it, you can ensure that your site is properly indexed by search engines and that visitors can access your content. Regularly auditing your website’s crawlability is essential for keeping it up-to-date with best practices and ensuring that it performs well in search results. It is important to remember that while a crawlability audit is a useful tool, it should only be one part of a larger SEO audit strategy.

Sasha Waldo
Sasha Waldo

Wannabe social media lover. Hipster-friendly food guru. Amateur beer practitioner. Lifelong coffee lover. Evil creator. Extreme music maven.

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